2022 ICA Super Saturday Quads August 20Th

August 20 Quads Report

Today, we had 32 participants split into 7 sections, with two of them being played in a Swiss format. In addition, I am delighted to see the number participants that have attended the ICA Summer Chess camp and are now beginning to regularly come to the Super Saturday Tournaments!

Two of those campers, Yuki Banno and Nikos McAllister, competed in Section 7 and took first and second place respectively! Yuki finished the day with a perfect 3/3, while Nikos finished with a respectable 2/3!

In addition, Zen Pathak, another camper who played in the Quads for the first time, won all three games in Section 6! As a result, he is today’s player of the tournament! In one of his games, Zen sacrificed a bishop to weaken his opponent’s king and bring his rook, other bishop, and f-pawn into the attack. He was able to promote that pawn and eventually win the game.

An honorable mention goes to Arthur Kade, who won Section 3! In one of his games, Arthur’s backward pawn was pinned to his rook. Utilizing counter play, Arthur was able to turn a dangerous position into an endgame in which he was up a pawn.

Another honorable mention goes to Mark Kogan and Harlan Kim, who tied for first place in Section 1! After winning their first two matches, they played each other in a “winner takes all” final round. In an extremely cagey and technical closed game, neither opponent was able to gain of significance advantage. After each player realized that it would take a significant risk to attempt to break through, they agreed to a draw, leading to the prize being split.

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