November 13Th, 2022, Booster And Steppingstone 5 Report

November 13Th, 2022, Booster And Steppingstone 5 Report

Booster Section Report

On Sunday, November 13th, the booster section was filled with many new faces! You never know, perhaps they will be the faces of future Grandmasters. Typically posting about checkmates, I am going to talk about something different today: an opening made by Pranav (playing black) in round 3: 1. d4 c6 2. e4 d5 and again by Pranav (playing white) in round 4: 1. d4 d5 2. c4. Great job knowing the Caro-Kann and Queen's Gambit respectively Pranav; it definitely can't hurt to know one strong opening for each color, even if it's just the first couple of moves.  Onto the Winner's Circle: Amazing job to three players who each scored 3 points: Gilad Shoham, Liam Fan, and James Abadir!
Congratulations for qualifying into Steppingstone 5.

Steppingstone 5 Report 
Speaking of Steppingstone 5, we had some even matchups that the tournament directors knew would lead to good games. To name a couple: Jayden Ma vs. Lisa Seleznev, Ansh Saha vs. Lisa Seleznev, and Sai Kakkar vs. Ansh in one game, and Lisa in another. After hard fought battles, you all made it to the Winner's Circle. Congratulations Sai, Jayden, Ansh, and Elizabeth for all getting a score of 3/4 and receiving a qualification point towards the next level! Big congratulations to Sai for being in first place (with the most wins against the other top finishers)! To give all of you some constructive criticism however, you need to work on your endgame strategy! Make sure you go over these matches with your coaches, as that is the best way to learn from one's mistakes. Despite the lapse in endgame strategy, all of these players did something that made the directors very proud: they took their time. On average, Steppingstone 5 took approximately 50% longer than the booster section to complete their games. At ICA, we always strive for our students to take their time during their matches!
TD NOTE *** Thank you all for playing! The next event will be on December 11
If you have any questions about where or what to register for, please email us at and we'll get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks***
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