December 11, 2022, ICA Progressive Tournaments

December 11, 2022, ICA Progressive Tournaments

On Sunday, December 12th, the Booster section had 12 players and was filled with new faces. Some players need to review ladder checkmates and King and Queen mates to finish off their opponents! Overall, there were a lot of great openings and tactics played. In the winner's circle: Congratulations to Maxim Swinton, Elvin Liu, and Ashrith Thota for all winning 3 out of their 4 rounds. Big Congratulations to Greyson Wallace for dominating the section with a perfect score of 4/4! All four of you gained your ticket to the higher section: Steppingstone 5.

The most impressive game was between two leaders Greyson and Ashrith in the final round of the tournament. Both played almost perfectly in the opening, but on later (on move 19) white made a mistake (by weakening king position) and created opportunity for a black winning attack!

28…Bxf3 29. Rh1 Bh5 30 Be2 f3 would have win the game for black. Instead, Ashrith continued 28… Bd8 and after 28 Rh1 tables changed: White are attacking now!

Greyson was able to win this game

Steppingstone 5 Report (by TD Jesse)

Meanwhile in Steppingstone 5, there were 8 total players. Congratulations to Gilad Shoham for winning 3 out of the 4 rounds and big Congratulations to Anshul Mallempati for dominating the section with a perfect score (4/4)! Both of you have received first norm for category 5 title.

The best chess that the TD observed in this section was in a match between Liam Fan (white) and Anshul Mallempati (black). Anshul made two awesome tactical plays in this game to forcefully gain a combined 5 points. The first one was an intermezzo tactic:

17... Rxe1+ 18. Rxe1 Qxc7.

The second one involved a discovered attack: 20… Bg4 21. Qxg4 Rxe8. Great job Anshul, we appreciate your tactical wizardry!

TD NOTE *** Thank you all for playing! The next event will be on January 15!

If you have any questions about where or what to register for, please email us at and we'll get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks***

Find HERE the complied list of results!

Visitors: 293