March 12 ICA Progressive Tournaments Report

Booster Section Report (by TD Jesse)

On Sunday, March 12th, the Booster section had the highest number of participants we've ever had: 20! With such a large group, it was truly an action-packed day.

A tournament highlight that Coach Jesse enjoyed watching was between Michael R and David S in round 2: David ignored taking the rook for a fair trade, and went for a beautiful mate in 1: 29. Rxe8 Qf2#.

Now, it's time to announce our winners: In Fifth place with 3 points was Charles Stern! In Fourth place with 3 points was Ezra Koral! In 3rd place was August Acito with 3 points! In 2nd place with a perfect score of 4/4 wins was David Sanchez!! In 1st place was Makar Bykovski with a perfect score of 4/4, and a slightly better win record to break the tie with David! All of you must play in Steppingstone 5 next time. Good luck!!

Steppingstone 5 Report (by TD Ethan)

This week in Steppingstone 5, we had 3 norm winners, Jason, Brayden, and Abriham. Jason winning the section outright with 4 points and Brayden and Abriham with 3. This was Jason’s second norm! Now all he needs to do is take the test and he will successfully move up to the next section. Abriham and Elizabeth already have their Category 5 title, and can play in Steppingstone 4. Considering the quality of games there will be many people in Stepping Stone 4 soon.

In this game Jason found a nice move. 6. …Qd4! After this there was a nice double attack Attacking both f2 and the knight. White’s only defense is Nd3! but since white missed it Jason picked ups a free knight.

In this next game Brayden had white. He played very natural chess, developing his pieces.

After 8. Nd5! the knight on f6 is in danger. After Nxf3?

The queen takes and the knight on f6 is gone. White went on to win easily

In the final game, Abhiram had black and played a very nice game. The position at hand appears normal and black has good development.

In this position black has g5!!, and the queen is trapped. Abhiram won the queen and went on to win the game.

Overall, these games were of very high quality. We hope to have Steppingstone 4 next time, and hope you come again.

TD NOTE *** Thank you all for playing! The next event will be on April 16 If you have any questions about where or what to register for, please email us at and we'll get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks***

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