Hungry Hungry Campers! Spring Chess Camp Day 3

Hungry Hungry Campers! Spring Chess Camp Day 3

Fun and silliness continue at ICA's Spring Break Chess Camp. I've taken to joking with the kids that the camp has a strict "no fun allowed" policy. They find this to be a hoot, particularly the younger ones who cross their arms, scowl along with me, and then wag their finger saying "no fun allowed!". I was tickled to no end when Ryan Ying took the time art art class to draw a terrific picture of me saying "no fun allowed".

Fun was, of course, more than allowed. The day began with the Circle of Doom dodge ball game. Today's winners were Kenny Muselli, Mayaan Aswani, and Emma Shevelenko. All three picked up a point towards prizes.

it was two sessions of chess class with a snack break in the middle. My lesson for today: it's downright dangerous if I don't hand out snacks fast enough to hungry children. Riots have begun over less.

Then it was soccer and dodge ball in the park followed by lunch then the afternoon chess tournament. The winner of our beginner section was Ryan Ying, and the winner of our advanced beginner section section was John Liebman. Both scored a perfect three wins in the even. Honorable mentions also go to Noah Lieberman, Emma Shevelenko, Lucas Sokolov who went 2-1 in the advanced beginner section, and Kaitlyn Muselli who went 2.5-0.5 with the beginners.

After that it was time for art class where several kids amused themselves by drawing and painting pictures of the various staff. Several players enjoyed math and logic problems as well.

And then it was time to say goodbye to the kids for the day. Of note, this was the last day at camp this week for to the Muselli kids (Joseph, Kaitlyn, and Kenny), to John Liebman, and to Lucas Sokolov. We presented the kids with medals for their enthusiastic participation, circle of doom playing, chess skills, and terrific behavior this week. Or at least almost all of them -- John managed to sneak past me before I could award him with a medal. (John, if you ever read this, let us know next time you come by ICA. We owe you a medal!) Oh, and after days of begging for extra snacks Lucas somehow talked me into giving him an extra snack before he departed. I'm such a softie. Especially when the kids ignore my humor and insist on having fun.

Until tomorrow!

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