Glen Rock Summer Camp Week 3 Report: Vignettes from your Staff

Glen Rock Summer Camp Week 3 Report: Vignettes from your Staff

Although Week 3 did not have as many campers as other weeks due to July 4, we had many moments that will not be forgotten by both our campers and coaches. Two of our junior instructors, Albert Abzalimov and Jonathan Zeng, were tasked with reporting the key events of the week. And so they did - in their own styles!

Stella - by Albert Abzalimov

In a realm where bravery knows no limits, fair Stella, a sprightly maiden, hath emerged as a beacon of mirthful fervor. At but five winters old, she doth possess a magnetic spirit, drawing folk nigh with her infectious vigour. Anon, Stella didst astound all, forsooth, as she didst single-handedly bear an entire sack of dodgeballs from the park to the camp, revealing her remarkable strength and resolve.

Yet, Stella's feat wert not solely a display of physical prowess; it didst exemplify her true nature as a team player and a generous soul. Her selfless act ensured that her comrades at the camp wouldst possess an endless supply of dodgeballs for their merry games, fostering an atmosphere of mirth and fellowship.

Stella's outgoing nature and unwavering spirit doth render her a font of inspiration to all. She doth remind us that age is no barrier to making a positive impact in the lives of others. With her radiant smile and a heart brimming with generosity, Stella doth continue to shine brightly, leaving a lasting impression upon those fortunate enough to cross her path.

Week 3 Vignettes - by Jonathan Zeng

The afternoon tournament is one of the most important parts of camp. In the highest rated section, Ari got 1st place with a perfect 3-0 score. He was able to beat every player in his section, including two junior coaches (only one of those games were rated).

Halloween is not too early for Coach Alan! During the awards ceremony on Friday, Coach Alan dressed up as he announced all the awards for the hard working campers this week. This was definitely a special day! Can you tell what he is dressed up as?

There were many great dodgeball players this week, but Ethan’s performance was unmatched. He became a threat to the coaches during the circle of doom dodgeball, as he won several games very early into the week. On Friday during dodgeball, the game had come down to him versus junior coach Alex. After intense minutes of back and forth throwing and dodging, he was finally able to throw a fastball at Alex to secure the win for his team.

Bughouse - by Camp Director Alan Salnikov

Each week, our campers look forward to the Friday afternoon bughouse-blitz tournament! Campers are paired so that each team has as fair a chance as any other of winning the tournament. Two of our coaches - Albert and Alex - also received the chance to play. Although Albert was able to rack up a few wins, Alex struggled massively. After losing his first three games, Alex had a chance to get an individual victory against Kate Stripunsky. And for a while, it seemed as if that would happen: Alex was on the verge of promoting his pawn and checkmating. And before that, Alex had many chances to finish Kate off with a mate in 2, which he missed. Fortunately, those misses came back to cost him: after making an illegal move, we were left with no choice but to forfeit his game and give the win to Kate!

On the flipside, Nathan and Jacob came together as a team to win the tournament with a perfect 5/5 points! Many teams tried to challenge for the runner-up place, including Nicos/Noah and Leon/Brian, but Nicos and Noah just edged out the latter team!

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