2023 Fall Virtual Semester

ICA will offer the same quality comprehensive teaching that has been the bedrock of our reputation for over 20 years.

While maintaining a sense of responsibility and commitment to the students and the entire chess community, ICA provides online instruction within a Virtual SAFE environment.

Our virtual class structure follows the traditional in-person classroom with a 6:1 student teacher ratio, individual attention, class participation, student-teacher interaction, games at the end of class, and homework! Students are grouped by skill level and encouraged to harness their knowledge and challenge themselves, while embracing their own focused growth.

Click HERE to see a video of how we operate our classes online, and click HERE to see a video of our coaches in action!

Student Levels

At our programs, we group students into levels based on the following criteria:

  • Beginner 1: new to chess

  • Beginner 2: knows legal moves and how to check

  • Advanced Beginner: knows how all pieces move and capture, check, and checkmate

  • Intermediate 1: knows how to checkmate the King a) with 1 rook; b) with 2 rooks; c) with Queen; knows all the chess rules including rule of the castle; en passant; pawn promotion

  • Intermediate 2: has played in unrated tournaments/just begun playing in rated tournaments

  • Advanced/Rated: has played in rated tournaments

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