ICA Murder Mystery! Teaneck Summer Camp Week 4 Report

ICA Murder Mystery! Teaneck Summer Camp Week 4 Report

“It was a cold and stormy night at the chess camp…when police detective Basil walked into the ICA’s Teaneck location to investigate the most vicious of crimes: someone had “checkmated” one of the kings, and it was his job to try and figure out the identity of the culprit…”

The video will be up on our Youtube channel this week so check it out there!

In our tournament section Yujeong came back in style winning first place in the higher rated section, while Haadi defeated everyone in the lower rated section (Bowen came second), and Ethan took first in the unrated group (Dexter, Colin, William, and Jackson tied for 2nd place).

The best students were Yujeong in Slava’s group, Taisei in Ethan’s group, Basil in Yaakov’s group, Shaan in Juno’s group, and Nathan in Ivette’s group.

In the Simul Evan outlasted Yujeong in the rated group, while Leonard was the only one to try in the lower group and won his simul section by default.

The problem solvers were “Detective” Basil, and Armaan, while the Fischer Random winners were Basil, and Will Kwak.

In sports, David won the oldest group, while Michael L, and Colin won the middle and youngest groups respectively.

The Relay Races were won by Team “Slytherin” (beating out Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Slava’s favorite HufflePuff) which was comprised of Evan, Yujeong, Nuha, and Leonard.

Yujeong conquered the dodgeball event without much issue once again, while Milena was Larissa’s choice for Art.

 The Friday winners for blitz/bughouse were Yujeong and Shaan in the rated group, and Dexter and Will Kwak in the younger/unrated group.

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