Welcome to the Do-Re-Mi School of Music and the Arts in Livingston! Through our partnership with the school, we are able to offer chess lessons on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
ICA's teachers are what set our classes apart. Instructors Sean Finn, Max Farberov, and Michael Patrucker are all experienced in teaching chess in an interactive and enjoyable way.
At Livingston, class levels are slightly different from our other classes. Placement for Intermediate levels and higher are based on a student's USCF rating:
Intermediate 1: 500-799 Advanced: 800-999 Future Masters: 1000+ For all other levels, please fill out this form to receive further information!
Rather than a three semester structure, Livingston employs a full school year program. Students can register at any time throughout the year. Payments occur automatically monthly and students are able to leave the program with a 30-day advanced notice.
After the majority of the class finishes learning the material for their current level, the class will be promoted to the next level. In other words, the students will be able to learn more advanced material at the same day and time.
The Certificate of Completion will be issued when each level's requirements are completed. If some students are significantly above or below their current class, they will be offered to transfer to another group.
We offer unrated game sessions Fridays at 6pm for all ICA students. The cost to play is $50/month. Each session, younger players are recommended to come for one hour between 6:00-7:00 or 7:00-8:00, while older players are recommended to come for two hours between 6:00-8:00. Participants will get the chance to play several matches against other students and put into practice what they learned during their classes throughout the week.
Please email chess@doremi-nj.com or call 973-758-1500 if you have any questions!
Student Levels
Class Structure
Friday Game Sessions
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