Glen Rock Summer Camp Week 9 Report

The “Non - Chess” Moments of Chess Camp!

During the last few weeks of camp, the campers who stayed until 5:00 had the opportunity to experience and learn about music. In this photo, the campers are engaged by watching a movie that only conveys its messages through music, no dialogue. They were also able to learn about the time period that the music was taking place in.


Music Part 2! Another fun moment during music this week was when each of the campers played a song for the rest of their peers. David, in particular, was able to play a song with his eyes closed. His performance evoked admiration and applause from everyone present.


In chess, it's not just about mental agility but also physical strength. We had the pleasure of watching an intense arm wrestling duel between Max and Luca, with both giving their all. The energy and competition in the room were palpable, drawing cheers from the sidelines.


Contrary to what one might assume, our campers aren't confined to the chessboard all day. They go outside twice everyday, once in the morning and a second time before lunch. For some reason, many of the kids love walking right behind coach Sean, even though he specifically had told them to give him some space behind him. The campers aren’t allowed to be in front of Sean, but they still want to be the line leaders!


This week at chess camp, Zakhar and Alexander had many amazing matches.  Despite the pair being unrated, their matches showed the true hidden potential both of them had.  Later in the week, Zakhar used his newly acquired chess skills to guide his partner to a bughouse tournament victory!   Similarly, Alexander also put his newly learned chess principles to good use when playing against the Junior Coaches, and even won a few games!  These two players are very passionate about the game of chess and always strive to become better every day in camp.

Here you can see that ICA is not just about chess. Kids can also play various mind games such as cards with coach valarie. The campers were able to take long breaks during the lesson and play cards with coach Valarie. Nina’s face shows her spectacular cards skills come to play as she won the game.


Highland Harmony: Anderson and Sonia's Whimsical Swingset Tale

Written by ChatGPT and Albert Abzalimov

Beneath th' gowden sun-soaked sky o' th' neighbourhoode park, an unexpectit meetin' unfoldit tween Anderson 'n' Sonia, fo'eva changin' their childhood adventures. Anderson, curious at seven, fand his kindred spirit in Sonia, lass. Th' wind whispered magic as fate orchestrated their swingset encounter, etchin' it into memory. Amidst giggles 'n' shouts, Sonia's invitin' twinkle led Anderson tae intertwine hauns on th' swing, launchin' an adventure o' shared joy. Laughter danced wi' th' breeze, their spirits soarin' wi' each swing, freein' 'em frae worldly weights. Amidst a sunlit crescendo, Anderson's "Yipee!" echoed, a testament tae their deep bond. As th' day endit, their whimsical treasure endured, remindin' 'em o' magic in th' mundane, immortalized in th' chronicles o' their childhood wonder.

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