Connecting with Nature: August 26, 2023, Glen Rock Quads Report

Today, we had 42 people compete at our Glen Rock Quads … and almost everything went smoothly! There were no major shocks, the tournament ran smoothly … but there is one slight outlier. NM Yefim Treger, a regular participant of ICA Events, was the highest rated player by 700 points! Even though nobody else of that rating level wanted to participate, the other three players were still able to put up as much of a fight as they could. Thankfully, in addition to submitting a game with commentary, Yefim briefly discussed how he prepares mentally for grueling competition!

SECTION 1 REPORT: By NM Yefim Treger

Hello. My name is Yefim Treger. I like playing chess but I also like to be alone with nature. Thus, almost every day of a tournament I find some beautiful places around and enjoy flora and fauna. This helps me to be fully prepared for the chess game (well, psychologically, but that is important).

On 08/26/2023 I played a very interesting game with Yegna Jandhyala who was a boy under 10 years old. I like his style probably because it coincides with my style of active play. Below is my game with him with short commentaries.

Congratulations to all winners: click here to view rating reports for QUADS!

Our next Quads will be held IN TWO WEEKS on September 9. Click HERE to register!

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