Treger's Puzzles and Rapid Victories: October 7, 2023, Glen Rock Quads Report

Today, we had 44 participants compete in our quads. Just as the tournament started however, one game was immedately over! And it was not from any of the bottom sections.

Rather, it was Andrew Goldfarb wheeling away in celebration as he got the fastest section we can remember from a Game 45 section.

As the opponent (white) went for a direct attack with the queen, Andrew countered. What should have been a game of chaos and aggression was instead a game where white messed up the move order, allowing Andrew to take full advantage to win the match!

But our best performer of the tournament was our only National Master in attendance: not only did Yefim Treger win all three games, but he provided an examplary analysis of one game (giving him yet another win in our Free Entry Report Contest).

SECTION 1 REPORT, by Yefim Treger

I am going to tell you about a very important role of the back rank. On 7th of October 2023 I played my first game with Geoffrey Chen and the weakness of the back rank manifested in it very brightly.

Despite a very dubious opening from some moment Geoffrey began playing very active and strong. Thus, in the left position of the photograph he had found a beautiful move Bh6-e3! After it I was very stressful because I saw what would have happened next. The reader is offered to find the best move in the right position on the photograph (an answer is in the comments of the game below). Fortunately for me he had not found it.

So here is my advice. Always take care of the safety of your king; in particular, do not create the weakness of the back rank. In its turn; try to use the opponent’s weakness of the back rank! See my game with the comments below.

Congratulations to all winners: click here to view rating reports for QUADS!

Our next Quads will be held NEXT SATURDAY on October 14. Click HERE to register!

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Visitors: 399