A big ICA victory at the NY All Girls Tournament

Last weekend, several ICA students went to compete at the 7th annual New York State all girls tournament. We are proud to announce that all of our players produced outstanding results!

We will start with GM Alexander Stripunsky's Master Class students. From his class, three students - Lisa, Lilliana, and Alice - all finished in the top 10; a special congratulations goes to Lisa, who took 3rd place with 4.5/5 points!

Next, we move to a student of Alan Stolyarov: Emma Shevelenko won all five matches in the K-6 section U900 section! Although she did not finish in 1st place due to tiebreaks, us at ICA still consider Emma a worthy first place champion.

Lastly, Karina, who only started playing recently, finished in 17th place in the K-1 section. More importantly, however, she scored the highest among unrated players!

I remember last semester when Karina would always walk into the beginner class with fear. However, she quickly moved into my advanced beginner class, before getting promoted yet again to Coach Eugene's class!

It is clear how much her confidence improved these past two semesters: Karina will be one to watch out for in the future!

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