June 9, 2024, Dr. Ostfeld Memorial ICA Championships Report

The Dr. Ostfeld tournaments provide a convenient opportunity to practice for my big events. I enjoy them even when I have to play low rated opposition, but I remember when the tournaments drew GMs, IMs, and high rated masters. Those players are still out there, so I appeal to them to come on out! I know that if you all knew there would be a few strong masters you would want to jump in. I'll be in future tournaments, as long as my schedule permits. So come out and challenge me!

- GM Joel Benjamin

Open Section Report by Ethan Klein

The Dr. David Ostfeld Memorial Chess tournament (ICA Open) remains an exceptional event that I've participated in since I was 10 years old. The tournament's conditions are superb, and the plethora of bagels for the participants adds a nice touch. This year, we had the honor of hosting renowned Grandmaster Joel Benjamin alongside a host of talented young players. Personally, I was thrilled to secure victories in all three of my matches, earning a clear second place behind the formidable Joel Benjamin. It is so nostalgic for me to walk up the stairs at Bergen Academies in Hackensack, NJ to see some familiar faces that have been around the Chess world before I was born as well as some new talented faces. Overall, it was another fantastic year for the tournament, showcasing the enduring appeal and quality of the event.

This game was especially sweet for me because Nolan had beaten me many years ago on two separate occasions in this exact tournament in important last round games where I was completely winning. This game was nice because he misplayed the opening. I took advantage with e4 hitting the center at the right moment and then it was one way traffic. My conversion could have been quicker and cleaner, but I will take the win!

Final Words from Alan

Although I am away at Texas for the summer, I really enjoyed finding out that three students from my after school programs competed at this competition, in Section 1! Congratulations to Fanyi Zeng from the Hamilton School Program from Glen Rock, NJ for taking third place! In addition, congratulations to Elias Maksoud and Alan Mastalerczyk for achieving 2/4 points each, and as a result, winning medals! I am really proud of all of my students and I am excited to work with you all again during the Fall Semester!

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