Glen Rock Summer Camp Week 4 Report

Another week of chess camp completed; Week 4 is done! This week was filled with laughter, smiles, exciting dodgeball games, and most importantly: gained chess knowledge.

As campers began to get to know each other, camp started with an exhilarating three games of Circle of Doom. This game serves as both an icebreaker and a “wake-up” activity.

How does the game work? Campers all gather in a circle with the coaches on the outside. The goal is to avoid getting tagged by a foam ball and to dodge as best as possible.

We got our blood pumping and shortly returned to our chess lessons. Campers are split into groups by level and engage in two lessons separated by a short snack break.

Then, we went outside again! However, this time, campers were split into sports groups to compete for as many points as possible and… for a prize at the end of the week! After sports groups end, campers were allowed to choose between soccer, dodgeball, or playground. Overwhelmingly, the camp favorite was dodgeball, while most of our younger campers chose the playground or soccer. This was where all the action happens:

One of the most exciting events of the day comes next. Drum roll please… COACHES vs CAMPERS in dodgeball. The game is so popular because eight coaches are supposed to eliminate over 30 players! It is certainly a challenge, but coaches are 4-1! Kian, Rayan, and Ethan were lethal weapons for the camper team, however, coaches came through with the victory!!!

Then, we return inside tired and hungry! We eat our delicious lunches - shout-out to our parents for making them - and get ready to put our minds to work again!

This is when our knowledge gained from chess lessons will be applied since campers compete in a chess tournament. As always, tournaments are divided by level of chess player. This is usually a more serious time during the camp because campers focus all of their energy onto playing their best.

Following the tournament comes fun time! As campers are winding down, they were again given a choice of playing chess in a simul (multiple players against one coach), participating in art, or chess puzzles.

At three o’clock is when most of our campers depart for the day, but some keep learning! A selection of art, math, mind games, chess, and music were available to the campers.

Finally, at five o’clock comes the saddest part of our day, which is the end. All campers are picked up and go home.

Friday, however, is a special day because instead of engaging in a regular tournament, campers take part in a fun blitz-bughouse tournament. Campers are separated into pairs (by level) and play blitz and bughouse (variations of a regular chess game) respectively against other teams.

Special Stories:

*On Thursday, Coach Valerie taught some campers how to do a neck massage. We decided to form a train and do neck massages for one another.

*At art this week, drawing and coloring seashells was very popular. Coach Valerie made one for herself and then ended up with a line of six campers who wanted one too!

*This week, Tony wanted to prove himself as the best camper in Coaches vs Campers. Specifically, he made his goal of the week to get Coach Valerie out. To his excitement, he succeeded once! But, the next day, the favor was returned: Tony vs Valerie 1-1.

Following that is the long anticipated award ceremony. Campers are awarded prizes for everything they have worked for during the week. Congratulations to everyone who won a prize! Click the link on this page to see the full prize list.

Thank you everyone for coming this week and continuing to make camp so much fun! We hope you learned a lot and had a thrilling experience.

But wait! We are not done just yet! In addition to the day camp which you just read about, Alexander Stripunksy’s GM Camp concluded its second week! For players rated 1600 and above, we have five weeks of GM Camp left, with space available at our final week with GM Elshan Moradiabadi!

Campers engage in four hours of chess instruction with our Grandmaster coaches, in addition to one USCF rated match each day. Aside from the chess, the campers are driven to tennis lessons during the middle of the day. At the end of each day, our overnight campers are taken to various events, such as bowling, Virtual Reality games, etc!

But, by far, the most exciting overnight activity involves the resurrection of a weekly tradition: “The ICA Show” Live Stream Series! This Tuesday at 7:30 PM, Alan will go live with coaches Luke and Moshe to ‘prep’ for his Grand Prix match the following day!

Be sure to tune in using the link below!

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