Glen Rock Summer Camp Week 8 Report

This week at camp, despite challenging weather conditions, we saw some impressive performances in our competitive activities.

In Circle of Doom, a rare and exciting tie for first place occurred between siblings Rayan and Sonia Zarineh. What made this achievement particularly notable was the limited number of games played due to heavy rain. The Zarineh siblings managed to dominate a high percentage of the matches, showcasing their skills in this popular camp game.

The dodgeball competition also saw fierce rivalry, with Leon Shevelenko ultimately claiming victory. Leon faced strong competition, particularly from Rayan Zarineh, but his powerful throws helped him accumulate the most points. His win was especially commendable given the obstacles faced, including reduced playing time due to rain and a change in the usual dodgeball field location.

Both these outcomes highlight the campers' ability to adapt and excel, even when faced with unexpected challenges. The competitive spirit remained high, making for an exciting week despite the less-than-ideal weather conditions.

This week at camp, siblings Rayan and Sonia Zarineh tied for first in Circle of Doom, a rare feat made even more impressive by the reduced number of games due to rain. They excelled in most matches played. In dodgeball, Leon Shevelenko won despite tough competition from Rayan. Leon’s throwing skills earned him the most points, demonstrating the campers' adaptability and competitive spirit despite challenging conditions.


On a rainy day, coaches Slava, Moshe, and Luke organized a creative contest with various challenges. Campers impersonated coaches and imagined animals as presidents, among other amusing tasks. The three coaches served as judges, fostering a lighthearted and entertaining atmosphere despite the weather.


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