January 25, 2025 Glen Rock Quads Report

Last week I wrote a report that some of ICA students (in particular, Angelo Valentino, whom I played in the last January 2025 quad) read my reports to prepare better with me.  However, something strange happened with our last confrontation. I was ready to continue a grandiose battle in Bg2–fianchetto variant of the Kings Indian Defense (and had improved my opening play) but suddenly Angelo (he was White) played a classical variant (associated with the earlier e4). When I saw this move I thought “Didn’t he prepare something with his favorite Bg2–fianchetto variant?”  Unfortunately for him – “No, he did not”. His play in the opening was very weak and I show you it by the help of some positions in the picture.

     His first and the biggest strategic mistake in our game had occurred in position 1. How would you play in it? Because Black threatens Nxf3 and Nc2 there are only two acceptable moves: Bxd4 and Qd1. Angelo had chosen Bxd4 and it confirms he did not only prepare with me but he had not understood the basic ideas of the classical variant of the Kings Indian Defense. One of them is “Almost never trade his bishop for the black’s knight!” My partner thought he could win my black central pawn but he could not, and even if he could have won this pawn his position would have been compromised (Black would have had a tremendous compensation

for its loss). So, an answer to the question for position 1 is Qd1.

     After the moves 10. Bxd4 exd4 11. Ne2 position 2 had occurred. Now how would you, being Black, play in it (among two options: c5 and O-O)?

     Here, while thinking about position 2, I had a nice choice. Both options were very attractive and acceptable.  An idea of the move c5 is to give an intermediate check Qa5 (after taking my c5-pawn by en passant) and to start an attack against the white’s king. The variant is 11… c5 12. dxc6 (e.p.) Qa5 13. Kd1 bxc6 14. e5 dxe5 15. Qxc6 Ke7, with Black having an attack against the white’s king.

     But in position 2 I played O-O, also a good move, because White could not easily win a pawn (if 12. Nxd4 then 12… Nxe4 follows). After some time position 3 had arisen. White is a pawn up but his position is worse mainly because of weakness of the dark squares (no dark-square bishop!). Also the White’s d4-rook is in awkward and clumsy position, so Angelo decided to play Rd2. Would you play this move or Qe3?  The answer is in the best move in position 4 which had occurred after my partner played Rd2.

    The best move in position 4 is 16… Bh6 winning the Exchange. 

     After this move our game had lasted only seven moves. Due to powerful threats (including direct checkmates) Angelo had resign. But it is completely his fault. I want to repeat or rephrase some of the ideas concerning his weak performance this time.

     Firstly, play the variants, systems, and openings which you know best (Angelo clearly did not much know about the classical variant).

Secondly, while playing such prepared variants know (or do not neglect) the basic strategic ideas (Angelo ignore the rule of “almost never trade a dark-squared bishop for the black knight”). Thirdly, find the main opponent’s threats and do not allow them to happen.

     It is a pity that Angelo had not shown in our game his best abilities. But I believe he is capable of playing much better!

          Congratulations to Yefim Treger for winning this report contest. ! If you want a chance to win a free entry into our Saturday Quads, email a report to icanewjersey@gmail.com, following these guidelines. We will not have a quad next week, so enjoy your New Years and we hope to see you at our next Quad which is February 1.

Visitors: 19