March 8, 2025 Glen Rock Quads Report

For this report, I am selecting a game with a guy who has a bright name – Angelo (he played White; I played Black). This game is notable because I won it with a very spectacular and brilliant combination.

     First, however, let’s talk about the opening. He misplayed the opening (this had happened to him before, including in games against me). Specifically, he shouldn’t have exchanged the bishop for the knight (see white position 11), but in the middle-game he fought well, and I had to go for a very complex combination to win. So, how would you play as Black in position 46?

     It turns out that in order to win, you need to sacrifice an entire rook (23… Rxb2!) And here, I’ll share a little secret.

     When I sacrificed the rook, I didn’t see a winning variation; I only saw a draw (for example, in such lines: 24. Kxb2 Qb4 25. Kc2 Bxd4 26. Qb3 Rc8 27. Kb1 or 24. Kxb2 Qb6 25. Kc2 Bxd4 26. Rb1 Rc8 27. Kd1, where White would have had the Exchange up, but I would have had a good compensation).  Still, I decided to sacrifice it, hoping that I would be able to find the correct continuation afterward. And I did. How would you play as Black in position 48? It turns out that you need to check with the rook, not with the queen. This is confirmed by the following variant - 24… Rb8+ 25. Kc1 Qxa2 26. Nc2 Rb2 27. Kd2 Bh6+ 28. Kd1 Qb1+ 29. Ke2 Rxc2+ 30. Kf3 Rf2+ 31. Kxf2 Qxd3 … A beautiful combination, isn’t it? I am very proud to have found it.

     Finally, there is an interesting moment.

     In my tournament section, which took place on March 8, International Women’s Day (although it is not celebrated in the U.S.), a young girl, about 10 years old, participated. Unfortunately for her, we, the representatives of the other gender, won all three games against her. However, these games were long and intense battles, so we didn’t have time to congratulate her.

     So, I congratulate her today, on Sunday, and wish her great success in chess, - after all, she is so young!

Congratulations to Yefim Treger for winning this report contest. ! If you want a chance to win a free entry into our Saturday Quads, email a report to, following these guidelines. We will not have a quad next week, so enjoy your New Years and we hope to see you at our next Quad which is March 15.

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