2008 ICA Chess Camp Week One Report (6/30–7/4):

2008 ICA Chess Camp Week One Report(6/30–7/4)

Students Attending: 29
The first week of this year’s chess camp has ended, as it often does with a day that celebrated the anniversary of the creation of the United States of America. Despite our best efforts to explain to parents, and students that, yes we are open on the, “4th of July,” there were still a ton who asked whether we were, “closed on Friday?” and whether, “any students would attend that day?” 
For the record, and for the thousandth time, YES! YES! YES! The International Chess Academy is always open on the Fourth of July. 
Besides which, Congress approved the resolution severing ties with the British government on July 2nd, and July 4th was only significant because the wording of the text was finally approved. According to a letter written by John Addams to his wife, it was the 2nd of July that he predicted to be a great American holiday, and not the Fourth which Americans celebrate now.
Lest we all forget, Chess existed before the United States of America was created, and doesn’t take a day off for any nation.
That said, everyone was somewhat timid during that first day of this year’s camp. New students, were shy and unsure, while experienced veteran camp-goers had almost nine months to forget everything they learned thanks to their regular school year responsibilities. 
Gradually the tension subsided and mutual activities and in some cases, disdain for authority, made most of the kids bond in some form or another.
New this year, is an early morning exercise program, which is meant to wake the children up. Each morning from nine to nine-thirty, campers were outside stretching, running, and doing other classic, and in some cases none traditional exercises (Ask a particular few about the Ice Cream Truck chase).
After that the day resumed with roughly two hours of chess exercises, followed by more sports, some lunch, and finally tournament games.
As usual in order to keep the kids participating the promise of prizes for all sorts of categories was required.
Winners, and prize getters, for each category were as follows:
Regular Tournament (Three sections, youngest to oldest.):
Section One: Christian Lee
Section Two: Gilad Drillich
Blitz Tournament (Two sections, youngest to oldest.):
Section One: Hannah Barenboim
Section Two: Yehuda Koslowe
Sports Competition (Four Age Groups. Youngest to oldest):
June Won Jang
Josh Mendelsohn
Yehuda Koslowe
Problem Solving Competition:
Allan Liu
Dodge ball Competition:
Josh Mendelsohn
Art Competition:
Gilad Drillich
There were also chess related prizes for the best student in each study group. Plus a small prize for the members of the winning team in the relay races competition (Slava’s team won in week one.). Stay tuned for a report on week two. 

Visitors: 105