Summer Camp 2009

Dear Parents:
Why our camp as opposed to another? Simple really. We offer it all, and though chess is the primary activity, there are plenty of other ones that will keep your child from falling asleep, or worst of all, calling your work # asking to be taken home while you are swamped in the middle of an important meeting. That may fly in other camps, but here it crash lands in the sands parents, believe us. By weeks end, 90% of the kids want to stay for the weekend (don’t get any ideas either cause this isn’t a sleep away establishment), and though that is a sales pitch exaggeration on our part, there are kids who constantly want to sign up for more then their first trial week.
Inquire about it all: from dance contests, to picture competitions, to stand-up comedy, we’ll do whatever it takes to keep your child entertained and participating. Plus, they get small, weird toy prizes in the end. 
Now we haven’t even begun to mention the fact that chess helps make people smart and all that good stuff. We need a new Bobby Fischer America, preferably not a crazy one, and your child may be it.
The gory details: 5:1 student/teacher ratio (no more, possibly less), free camp shirts for the sake of team unity, and as mentioned weird, small toy prizes for the sake of motivation give out at the end of the week!
To register fill out the form below, submit your 50-dollar registration fee, and get ready to be checkmated by your son or daughter after one week of their continued presence at our camp.

Call our # (201) 833-1741 for more information, any information, and also to receive a friendlier and more aggressive sales pitch. You can also visit our website at at and judge for yourselves.




                                                The staff of the ICA 

Visitors: 159