“Curly” Kudrin Shares 1st With Rohde, And Lenderman In Open Section!

“Curly” Kudrin Shares 1st with Rohde, And Lenderman In Open Section!


Though he doesn’t have curly hair per say, the fact is in Russian the word “Kudri” is close enough to meaning curls, and without the N on the end, Sergey’s name fits the pseudonym so to speak.  However, as many have come to expect that fact, and point is rather pointless, and embarrassingly unfunny as an attempt at a joke.  Nobody really cares except for me, but because I am the one writing, those of you who are reading are saddled with my eccentricities and inadequacies as both a reporter, and an entertainer, much less an article scribbler.


Of course the more important point is Sergey, an honest to goodness, true to life grandmaster finally got his revenge on the ICA’s own Gregory Markzon.  For those who remember last time out, in a thrilling finale (Early Winter ICA tournament) Gregory outpaced two grandmasters, who had to play each other in the final match, to win first place in the open section.  Though I was, and never will be a grandmaster, perhaps that bit of humbling disappointment served to fuel GM Kudrin’s motor enough as it probably would mine, to serve up a dish of cold revenge over a fire hot, checkered chessboard.  Either that or he didn’t even care to remember, but the point is, in round three of his 1st place tying run, GM Kudrin met up with his old nemesis Mr. IM Markzon, and beat him outright on that day.


Having won against the 11th, and 7th place finishers before dethroning Gregory, GM Kudrin, on a clear path to victory, sputtered in the last round and drew with fellow 1st place finisher, Big Alex Lenderman. While I don’t really know if Alex is big, on that day he played like a giant, beating the 25th, 26th, and 15th place finishers before finishing a fantastic day via draw against a well established Grand Master, that we have, and forever will, nickname “Curly.”


Rounding off the top 3, was fellow “Numero Uno” Michael Rohde, who won against the 8th, 13th, and 5th place finishers, before drawing his last game against the 4th place finisher. 


All first place finishers received a nice cash prize of 225 dollars and 17 cents. 


In other developments, 8th finishing, Austin Wang, and 10th finishing Kevin Rosenberg  (top under the tender age of thirteen)  got 79 dollars. Each Austin and Kevin were given said monetary honors because their rating was under 2000, which means they had an extra difficult time of it going up against the likes of older, and more experienced players.


There were also five 36-dollar envelopes for the best players with a rating under 1600, and 1800.  The top finisher in this category was Greg “the Leg” Gabovich, who ended up 17th, and as I understand it kicked a helpless trash can in anger soon after, given that during the break between games somebody stole his Britney Spears CD.   


Following Greg in 21st place, but taking home the same prize, was quiet but deadly Yakir Forman, and 22nd finishing, loud, and sometimes funny Eyal Koren.  Jacob Spitzer, and Arjun Mayer finished 23rd, and 24th respectively, and also took home the same 36 dollars.


Since I was not present during these proceedings, seeing as I was still contemplating the Apple Donuts fiasco, I cannot comment further on any of them.  I want to thank everyone for coming, and playing.  Please come again, remember to dress like you are meeting the Queen of England, and inquire about the problems with our Donuts during our next tournament coming soon to a Bergen Academy in Hackensack near you.


Visitors: 120