Shao And Venkatesh Tied For 1st In ICA Fall 2009 Family Championship


It isn’t the first time I write that, and if Chris, and Clement continue playing the type of terrific chess they have to this point it won’t be the last. With a combined family score of 6.5 points out of 8, both have earned free entry to our next tournament in December, as well as free entry to the next to Monday night prime time tournaments. What makes the Shao clan’s result even more impressive is that both competed in higher rated sections.
Coincidentally, that fact is the reason why the Venkatesh brothers, Vinay, and Varun, who also scored 6.5 out of 8, got second place, and not first. Since Varun and Vinay competed in the 3rd, and 2nd sections, which are a bit less challenging than sections 5, and 4, in which Clement, and Chris competed in, the tie-break element was on the side of the former brotherly duo. Still Vinay, and Varun, consistent, Monday Night Primers, should be happy about a free pass to the next tournament, on top of a free pass to the next ICA championships in December.
In third place, the Pasarkar’s, Amol, and Amey, got 6 out of 8 points, while earning three wins each, in tense section 4 competition. Both will receive a book, as well as a heartfelt handshake from Diana. Though the Gupta (Aman, Arpan), and Min (Spencer, Jackson) families, got six points as well, because Amol and Amey were playing in section 4, which was tougher overall than the ones for the Guptas, and Mins, the Pasarkar’s won on tie-breaks. 

Twenty-four families were eligible to compete in section 4, and we hope to see more at the next ICA tournament in December.

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