Pasarkar, Ionita Families Win ICA Winter Scholastics Family Event!

Pasarkar, Ionita Families Win ICA Winter Scholastics Family Event!

This time around it was Amey, and Amol of the Pasarkar brood, and David, and Victor Ionita, soaring ahead with the best results among families competing at our Winter tournament.  Both families scored a total six out of eight points, with Amey, and Amol both scoring three points each in their sections (four, and five, respectively), and Victor winning section three with a perfect score, with David adding two wins in section one.  Since the Pasarkars both participated in a rated section, while only Victor participated in a rated one for the Ionita clan, Amol and Amey claimed the top spot.  The win entitles the family to a free entry into the next ICA scholastic tournament scheduled for April, and free entry into the next two ICA Monday night tournaments. Victor, and David, on the other hand earn the same free entry into the next ICA scholastic tournament, but get only one free Monday night tournament entry.

In third place, with five and a half points, was the Katz crew, with Alex, Nicholas, and Joshua gaining a leg up because of the extra family member and the choice of picking the top two individual results for the family total.  A strong three points from Alex in the open section, and a handy two and a half from Josh in section four, netted the Katz family third place and a chess book for each family member.

A total of twenty-five families were entered into the sibling event this time around.  

Visitors: 143