ICA Spring 2010 Family

“Klevak Family Showdown” Shows Up To Win ICA Family Tournament! 
Barenboim, Katz Families take tie-break 2nd and 3rd!

Though they were outnumbered three to two by the other family section winners, Nastasia, and Daniel Klevak were certainly not outgunned at this past ICA Spring Fling Scholastic Chess Championship.  Both, Daniel who scored three points playing in section one, and Nastya, who scored three playing in section three, won the usual free entry into the next ICA Scholastic tournament (on the 6th of June mind you), as well as free admission into the next two Monday night tournament cycles at our Teaneck location.   Since both regularly attend the Monday night tournaments (which are great practice for bigger tournaments of course) the victory is probably a welcome discount to the Klevak family troop. 

Not at all, but officially still in second place and with a similarly impressive score of six, was the Barenboim family.  On the strength of a first place finish from youngest member David “Bazooka” Barenboim, who scored a perfect four for four in section one, and his sister, Hannah who chipped in two wins playing in section three, the Barenboim’s made up for a somewhat lackluster day from their Dad Oleg, who participated in the super strong Open section though only with modest results.  Oleg did manage a respectable one-and-a-half out of four points for the day.  Each member gets a free pass into the next ICA tournament on the 6th of June, as well as free entry into the next Monday night tournament cycle. 

In third place, with adamantium chess claws at the ready, was the Katz family,  which also scored six points total, thanks to an impressive second place finish from Alex Katz in the open section (Alex scored three-and-a-half out of four), and a complimentary result from  Josh Katz, who scored two-and-a-half out of four in the fourth section.  Nicholas Katz had a decent showing in the open section as well with two points, but because Joshua scored more his result superseded Nick’s.  Each family member got a chess book of their choosing for their performances.  

Thirteen families participated in the family section, and we are always looking for more to join.  So get your cousin, dog or grandpa to sign up to play along so you can win together.  Congratulations to all podium finishers and see you all at the next tournament.  

Visitors: 91