ICA Summer Camp 2010 Day Camp Week 7

ICA Summer Camp 2010 Day Camp Week 7

With only two weeks to go after this, week seven offered a first real taste of the sad school based season that is to follow the simple satisfaction of summer chess camp.  Complete and utter rain decimated our Thursday prospects and put into perspective the fact that my attempt at running a comedy competition failed completely.   While the contest certainly had its moments it didn’t seem like there were enough of them to warrant having it again.

Aside from which the rest of the week, at least in terms of prizes and accolades went as follows:

In section two Josh Lerman, learned enough under Tanya’s tutelage to score a sensational first place victory, even despite a difficult draw against Daniel Zolty the previous day.  The draw forced a play off between Josh and Daniel the following day which Josh won with flying colors.   Daniel Zolty took second, while Brian Song, Sasha, and Nick Konovalenko all shared third.

Section four was won by David Fefer who beat everyone except for third placing Vidur Joshi who played a great game to hand David his only loss.  Little Daniel Klevak took second beating everyone except David Fefer, who Daniel felt was too strong a player for him at the moment (something I don’t find to be quite true.)

Section five was all David Chang who clinched clear first place before the start of the last round.  Coincidentally, the only game David lost was the last one, and perhaps because he was aware that he had secured victory.  Second, and third place was contested by Malina Pavlova, and Sophie Rasol, who had to play each other for silver on Friday morning.  Sophie who was coming off flu shots the previous day gained a quick advantage of two full pieces with good counterplay, but Malina, down for the first part of the game survived well to watch Sophie blunder later in the game.   It is possible that flu-like symptoms may have affected Sophie’s play, but regardless both played fine games and deserved their prizes.

Section six was a tie for first between Max Perlman, Ben Pisarenko, and Alexis Kvetnoy.  Since neither Alexis, nor Max showed up on the final day, Ben won the play off by default.

Ashley Jiang won for notation, while Daniel Zolty won in the problem solving competition, as well as in the simul competition in the older section for a game that lasted 78 moves against Johnson.  Johnson blundered a queen in the chaos of Thursday’s rainy day (the kids were going nuts) and despite being down a piece labored towards a drawn, and finally  won position soon after.   Michelle Kvetnoy lasted twenty something moves against Johnson in the younger section.  David Chang won problem solving in the younger section.

The best students in each group were: Vidur in Solomon’s group, Daniel Klevak in Slava’s group, Ben Pisarenko in Max’s group, Brian Song in Tanya’s group, Christiana in Robert’s group, and Ben Dubetsky in Johnson’s group.

In sports Rohan won in the 2004-2005 age group, Ben Pisarenko won in the 2003 group, Sasha won in the 2002-2003 group, David Silver won in the 2001 group, Brian Song won in the 2000 group, and Daniel Zolty won in the 1999 and older group.  Vivek won the dodgeball prize, while Jason took home the prize for Soccer.

The last official ICA KVN comedy contest was won by the Solomon led “Chess Shoes” who took first on the strength of Michelle Kvetnoy’s comedy styled efforts despite the rest of the team’s desire to quit.  The other members were David Fefer, Vidur Joshi, David Silver, Evan, Rohan, and Daniel Zolty.  The team skit about the coaches was best and the team name also took first in that category.

The Friday relay races were won by the Solomon led “Pawn Promoters,” a team which included Daniel Zolty, Joshua Lerman, the surprisingly fast five year old Dillon Shelton, Daniel Klevak, Jason Vlacancich, and Joshua Hubbard.

Blitz/Bughouse was won by the tiniest team of all as super short Josh Lerman, Daniel Klevak, Sophie Rasol, and Rohan defeated their much taller competitors.  The team was fittingly dubbed the “Undefeatables” and was surprisingly effective given two teams with coaches on them.

In art, Nicholas Konovalenko won the prize for his work entitled “Chaos at the ICA.”

Finally, Emily Dubetsky won the prize for having the healthiest lunch over the course of three days.



Sergey’s Master Camp

In Sergey’s camp Haik Der-Manuelian won the classical chess tournament, with David Rubenfeld taking the prize in the blitz tournament.  Haik also won the problem solving competition while Max won the prize in the sports competition for the older section, with Oren winning the sports prize in the younger section.

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