Our first tournament of the brand new school year was a bit under manned this year despite a dramatic seeming increase in attendance of our school.  Thereby without as much competition as is usually available, for many of our child-like competitors, this seemed like the perfect opportunity for picking up an extra trophy to add to the collection. 

The following winners did exactly that:

Section One

With twenty people reporting Henry Marinovic won first place and was the only one to score four points, defeating second placing Aron Dyadyuk in the last round.   Aron led four other people who tied for second with three points each.  Among them were Jason Vlacancich, Daniel Lio, and Sophie Rasol.

Section Two

In section two, with fourteen people present Alex Hao, a long time devoted ICA attendee finally made the lessons pay off and took first with a perfect performance of four clear wins.  The second place winner, Andrew Birenbaum also finished all alone in his place with three and a half points, while Eric Trostin, Nil Gungor, Derek Lin, and Benjamin Plaksienko tied for third with two and a half points.

Section Three

With thirty-nine people section three saw the most participants but only one winner as Anthony Gurunian, was the only player to score all four points. Ohm Nabar finished in second place also all by himself, scoring three and a half points, while third place saw a tie between the eight following people who all scored three points: Daniel Khaitov, Allen Park, Alan Stolyarov, Louie Tarabocchia, Meyer Levinson-Blount, Aaron Shlionsky, and Bejamin Mankowitz.

Section Four

Twenty-seven people played in section four with Phillip Lee, and Dwight Moran tying for first with perfect scores and all wins in each of the four rounds.  Ashish Devanapalli, Preston Wang, Joshua Katz,  and Matthew Li all tied for third with three points each. 

Section Five

Eric Kong won first in a field of sixteen players scoring three and a half points with his draw being a third round no win against second place finishing ICA coach Genry Krichevsky, who came out of self imposed retirement to play in this tournament.  Genry had a chance for tying Eric for first but had to leave before the start of the last round thereby not having a chance to get the full point.  William Chen,  and Simon Thomas tied for third place with three points each.


See you all in December, and don’t remember to bring your friends.

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