Family Results ‘IN’ Just In Time For Winners To Take Advantage!

Family Results ‘IN’ Just In Time For Winners To Take Advantage! Katz Family First, Lios Second!

Apologies for the tardiness of course but the reason for these being posted only now is a terrible computer crash that was only fixed late last week.  Of course, since our families are curious as to which of our prizes they, by past tournament right can take advantage of, these were posted right in the nick of time.

The Winners, not surprisingly of course, given that the family commander Alex Katz co-won the open section along with ICA coach Solomon Lerner last time around, were the Katz Family.  Alex’s four points combined with Josh’s three in the fourth section, more than made up for Nick’s single point family point.  The family receives free entry into the next ICA tournament ICA EARLY WINTER 2010 Championship , ICA EARLY WINTER 2010 Open Championship    and free entry into the next two ICA Monday night prime time tournaments.

The Second place winners  were the Lio’s who scored a combined five and a half points, with Andrew getting two and a half, and Daniel three, both  in section one.   Each brother gets free entry into the next ICA tournament on December 12th (attention: you have just glanced over yet another advertisement for our next tournament) and free entry into the next Monday night tournament cycle.

In third, getting a book for their efforts were the Thomas family, with brother Simon scoring three points in section five, and brother Patrick scoring two points also in section five, to conclude the family section prize winners.

Fourteen families competed in the family section last time around.  

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