“Summer In The Winter” Camp (12/27/10-12/31/10)

“Summer In The Winter” Camp (12/27/10-12/31/10)

Yes, that is correct, and that is the only way it can be. 

This year’s schedule allows us to squeeze in a full week of chess camp right smack dab in the middle of December, and for those kids really looking to improve this is a real chance to do so.  Without history, math, or any other typical systematic school subject to get in the way, there is a perfect opportunity to focus on chess twenty-four/seven (or in this case from 9 in the morning to three in the afternoon).

From the experience of doing this last year, we have observed that those kids that were committed to the “Summer in the Winter” the most, unquestionably showed the best improvement in their game over the course of a year. Granted they also committed themselves to doing the same thing during the regular Summer camp, and the school year, but the point in itself is that results happen when somebody works hard and puts in the hours.

Speaking of which, our daily schedule for this period will look to be as follows:

9:00-9:15 a.m.-Arrival, practice games, warm-up

9:15-10:00 a.m.-Lesson 1-The lesson will start at this time to provide for late arrivals.  We will focus analyzing games from the previous day, working on memory exercises, as well as doing standard tactical exercise work, as well as studying some openings and strategies.

10:00-10:15 a.m.-Break-Fifteen minutes to get a drink, relax, play and get ready for lesson two.

10:15-11:00 a.m.- Lesson 2-Lesson two will be more of the same with a higher emphasis on tactical themes.

11:00-12:30 p.m.- Sports/None-Chess Competitions/Free Time This time will be dedicated either to traditional sports if weather allows, or indoor none-chess competitions (We are considering video game competition, or something board game related).

12:30-1 p.m.- Lunch.  Pizza (as unhealthy and delicious as it is) will be provided.

1 p.m.- 2:30 p.m.-Classical tournament.  The time control will be 45 minutes per side, and the games will have to be recorded for the purpose of analysis on the following day. 

2:30 p.m.- Blitz tournament. The time control will be five minutes, and due to limited numbers may involve two, to three Round Robin tours (i.e. everyone will play everyone at least two, or more times).

Of course, we will have prizes for best student, blitz, and any other contests we may run during the week.  There will also be a trophy for the tournament winner.

If possible, we are also hoping to organize a family bug house tournament on the last day, if it is possible that each student can have their father, or grandfather come to play with them.   If this is not possible perhaps everyone can ask their moms, but the general idea is for everyone to have fun together with somebody from home. 

We hope to see you there.


The ICA Staff

Visitors: 90