Shlionsky Family Wins ICA Family Competition; Abramov Family Finishes In Second!

Shlionsky Family Wins ICA Family Competition; Abramov Family finishes in Second!

With a total of seven points the Shlionskys won the ICA family competition and the accompanying free entry into the next ICA tournament, as well as the next two Monday night tournament cycles.  Aron scored four points in section three, while Yisroel scored three in section one.

The Abramov family finished in second with six-and-a-half points and received free entry into the next ICA tournament (On the 13th of February), and the next ICA Monday night tournament cycle.  Benny scored three points in section two, while Eddie scored three and a half in section three.

Rounding out the podium were the Tse family, who scored six points and got a book for each family member.  Jacqueline, and Alexander, both playing in section five, scored three-and-a-half, and two-and-a-half points, respectively.

Twenty families competed in the family section.

Visitors: 91