Week 3 Chess Camp Report: Bob “The Horse” Kicked OUT Of Chess CAMP!!!!

Week 3 Chess Camp Report: Bob “The Horse” Kicked OUT Of Chess CAMP!!!!

Week 3 Chess Camp Report: Bob “The Horse” Kicked OUT of Chess CAMP!!!!

After being caught cheating in a chess game the officially unofficial mascot of the International Chess Academy’s Scholastic camp has been removed from the camp by owner Diana Tulman.   Though multiple phone calls to the camp on behalf of Bob’s mommy attempted to stop the inevitable ultimately Bob’s days at the camp were checkmated.


Of course seeing as all this only happened in our official chess camp chess song entitled, “This game is your game,” none of it should really make much real world difference.  Bob “The Horse” will never be kicked out.


For week three we had New Orleans own David Webster win first in his tournament section, with Josh Lerman taking second, and Phillip Blumin snatching third. In section three Daniel Khaitov took first with Alan Stolyarov second, and Greg Volynsky third.  The section four winner was Andrew Volynsky, with Evan Marinelli taking second, and Sophie Rasol taking third.  Mathew Lerman won section five, with section six won by Maria Matiashvili, with Ben Pyatski second, and Daniel Cohen third.


Yoni Stern won for best notation. Alan Stolyarov won problem solving competition in the rated section. Daniel Cohen, and Ben Pyatski won problem solving competition in the unrated section. 


In the rainy day blitz section tournament Josh Lerman won in the higher section, and Alex Hao in the lower section.


The blitz/bughouse Team Championships were won by the “Chess Masters,” who were captained by Josh Katz, and included Aron Dyadyuk, David Ionita, and Mathew Lerman.


The best students in each group were: Josh Lerman in Tanya’s group, Daniel and Qihan in Hana’s group, Alan in Max’s group, Elisheva in Slava’s group, Lily in Genry’s group, Andrew in Eve’s group, and Mathew in Ivette’s group.


For sports we had eight sports groups with Greg Volynsky winning in the oldest group, Sid winning in the second oldest, Daniel Khaitov in the third, Aron Dyadyuk in the fourth, and Josh Lerman in the fifth. Daniel Cohen won in the third youngest, Qihan in the second, and Daniel Stern in the youngest section.


The relay race was won by the “Cheesy Cheese-It’s” captained by Eve, and Ethan, and included Sid, Phillip, Daniel K, Elisheva, Daniel Cohen, Yoni, Lily, Vidur, and Charli.


The Dodgeball winner was David Webster, while Soccer and Art were won by Greg Volynsky.


The rainy day trivia contest was won by Ben Mankowitz.


Healthy lunch was won by Greg P, while best overall effort went to Leo.


We also embarrassed Alan Stolyarov on Friday because it was his birthday.


Sergey’s Master Camp


Sam Berrettini and Nicholas Katz tied for first in the classical tournament with Sam winning on the tie-breaker.


Ari won the blitz tournament, with Eric winning the problem solving, and the Sports competitions.



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