Week 7 ICA Teaneck Chess Camp Report

Week 7 ICA Teaneck Chess Camp Report
Bob “The Horse” Checkmate-Johnson’s Past Revealed!


Approximately three and  three quarters of a month ago in Bucharest, Romania, two middle class Romanian citizens named Nadia Checkmate, and Ion Johnson joyously welcomed the first child into their happy family.  The boy, who looked much like a miniature horse statue one would place somewhere on a front lawn, dreamt of one day coming to America and accomplishing big things.  His parents, not knowing how to help their son accomplish said goal, decided to send him to the country he dreamt about in the hopes that he would somehow magically find his way to those particular pinnacles.  Arriving in the east coast state of New Jersey, the boy who was nicknamed Bob by his fellow plane mates, stumbled his way into a garage sale of a quaint New Jersey town, and would soon become a quaint item at the garage owner’s quaint little garage sale.   

On that fateful day, ICA coach, Max Yelsky’s mom, or dad, were walking through the neighborhood, and stumbled upon the odd little Romanian fella peaking out of a box with a sticker price tag of 5.95 at the above mentioned sale.  After some heavy-handed negotiating which resulted in a price-reduction of some .47 odd cents Bob was securely carried over to the Yelsky garage.

Fast-forward to the first day of the first week of the first month of this our not so first chess camp Summer, and Bob was taken to our location at the behest of owner Diana Tulman to decorate the place.

At last he had accomplished his childhood dreams and is finally doing big things, by being the mascot of the greatest Summer camp in the history of mankind.

During week seven our prize winners were as follows:

In the tournament sections Alan Stolyarov won for the highest section, with Alessandro Demarchi-Blumstein second, and Daniel Zolty third.  Vivek Gogineni won for the second highest rated section,  with Israel-Moshe Shlionsky second, and Josh Clune third.  Nathaniel Chernoff won for section three, with Yoav Zolty second, and Andrew Bereza.  Zachary Mankowitz won in section four, with Alan Sourek second, and Nick Belov third.  Alex Belov won in section five, with Yoni Stern second, and Alexis Kvetnoy third.  Finally in section six Lily Del-Pilar won, with Max Zhu second, and Charli Coward third.

Michelle Kvetnoy won for notation, while Nathaniel Chernoff, Idan Glickman, and Alan Stolyarov won for problem solving.

In the study groups: Max picked Daniel Zolty for his group, while Slava chose Nastasia Klevak, with Nathaniel winning in Frank’s group, Alan Sourek in Solomon’s group, Max Zhu in Zoya’s group, Emmet in Mathieu’s group, and Mathew Goldgirsh in Robert’s group.

Elad won the rated simul competition, while Daniel Klevak won the unrated section.

In sports the winners (from oldest to youngest were): Daniel Zolty, Eitan Jeselsohn, Vivek Gogineni, Daniel Marbe, Alan Sourek, Jonathan Marbe, Nick Belov, and Max Zhu.

In soccer Idan proved the best and took the prize, while Alex Belov’s Tigran Petrosian-like blocking skill carried the dodgeball prize. 

The relay race competition was won by Mathieu’s passed pawns (Michael, Nathaniel, Daniel S, Ben P., Greg P, James, Matthew) while the blitz/bughouse championship was won by Daniel Zolty’s “Blitz House.”

In art, Mathew Goldgirsh, and Michelle Kvetnoy were deemed best, while healthy lunch was won by Greg Pylypovich.

(A special thanks to camper Victor Ionita for making up….ahem….calling the Romanian Embassy and getting the necessary background information needed to compile this report about the origin of Bob “The Horse.”)

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