2011 Scholastic Chess Camp Week 7 Report-Fair Lawn

2011 Scholastic Chess Camp Week 7 Report-Fair Lawn

2011 Scholastic Chess Camp Week 7 Report-Fair Lawn


Week seven was a record-breaking one in that the number of students for both locations reached a never before seen 70 students.  In Fair Lawn we continued our Master Camp, the students of which comprised the first tournament section.   It was not the least bit surprising that the unstoppable David Rubenfeld won first with Gilad Drillich second, and Haik Der-Manuelian third.  Group two, under the tutelage of GM Sergey Kudrin, spent eight hours at the camp (and for those staying for soccer it was even longer than that).  All four students played in section two the winner of which was Dwight Moran.  The section three quad saw Anthony Gurunian as the winner, while the next two sections had six people each.   Section four was won by Vaed, while Daniel Khaitov won second, with Chris third.  First place in section five was won by Thomas, with Andrew second, and Stephen third.   Section six was won by youngest student Mathew Lerman, with Daniel C second, and Ilona third.  

You didn’t need to guess who won for best student Sergey’s group, because once again it was super David Rubenfeld, who coincidentally also won the blitz tournament.  Sergey Kudrin chose Hillel Koslowe as best student, while in Tanya’s group experienced Josh Lerman won that prize, with Daniel Khaitov being first in Diana’s group.  Daniel C won in Jay’s group, while Ilona C won in Richard’s group.  Ilona also won the prize for best chess notation.

For Simul play the winner was Anthony G in the rated section, and Daniel C in the unrated section.  In problem solving Reid won for the rated section, while Vicky and Maria shared the prize for the unrated section. 

The Rookies” (Brothers Josh, and Mathew, Daniel Khaitov, and Stephen) won the team championships.

In six sports groups seven winners emerged as Gilad and Eric Kong tied for first in the master section, with Vaed, Thomas Vandalovsky, Reid, Daniel K, and Qihan winning respectively for their age groups.  In dodgeball Hillel Koslowe was tops, while in Soccer Anthony Gurunian won first.  Relay Races were won by Hana’s team (Sid, Thomas, Philip, Chris, Alex, and Tyler).

Andrew S won for best effort, while healthy lunch was won by Qihan Wang, and the “swag walker” prize was won by Mathew Lerman.

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