ICA Scholastic Summer Camp Week 8 Report-Fair Lawn

ICA Scholastic Summer Camp Week 8 Report-Fair Lawn

ICA Scholastic Summer Camp Week 8 Report-Fair Lawn



The second to last week of chess camp broke the record of its predecessor and the set the new bar at a high of seventy-three students for both locations.  At that the meteorological forecasts of the weathermen which promised rain didn’t exactly make life any easier threatening to break up the week’s outdoor sport activity.  However, the weather took mercy and did, in the end, allow the staff to almost completely follow their normal routine.    Every competition and activity took place save for the competitions in each individual sports group. 

In section one the tournament winner yet again was the usual David Rubenfeld.  In second was Haik who did get one place higher than the previous week.    Eric Kong finished third, with Alex P taking fourth.  David Rubenfeld also won the blitz tournament in this section. 

In section two the winners were Yehuda Koslowe, and Dwight Moran, with the third place winner being Hillel Koslowe.

In section three Philip Blumin, and Michael Aksen scored the same amount of points, though because this section only had three players, there was time for a tie-break, which allowed Phillip Blumin to take first place by himself.

In section four the winners were Daniel Khaitov and Qihan Wang.  Eric Trostin finished third.

An even fight in section five led to four winners at once.  In no particular order they were Maurice, Mathew, Andrew Shamis, and Ethan.

Section six, which included five players, had an interesting situation occur where every player tied for top honors.  First place was a tie between Daniel C, and Maria M.  Dylan O’M, and Rohan tied for second place.

The best students in each group were:
Haik in Sergey Grabuzov’s group, Yehuda in Sergey Kudrin’s group, Phillip and Josh in Tanya’s group, Daniel K in Hana’s group, Andrew in Richard’s group, and Maria M in Max Yelsky’s group.

Ilona, who had a real chance to win a prize in one of the study groups couldn’t come on Friday, though she was rewarded for this with a best effort prize.

In problem solving Yehuda set a very high tempo and left his opponents in the open section far behind.  In the U1200 section Daniel Khaitov was the winner, while in the unrated section first place was a tie between Rohan, and Mathew Lerman.

The simul winners were Tomas in the rated section, and Ben H in the unrated section.

Unfortunately, none of the campers liked homework so the prize for this went to Bhupinder who studied at home by himself solving the positions provided by his coaches. 

Since Sergey Kudrin’s group continued studying from three to five with Tanya they were given the opportunity for another best student prize (Ahron S won), as well as a blitz tournament which was won by Dwight Moran. 

In the team championships a new tradition began as we split this competition into two section, and included within it young student-coaches.  In the first section the team of Alex P, Daniel C, Maria M and Mark Aksen won.  In the second, Qihan, Josh, and brothers Ahron and Yisrael Moshe won. 

The best chess notation prize went to Phillip Blumin who, for the sake of historical reference, neatly summarized his victory over Michael A.

Thomas for yet another week won the healthy lunch prize.

David Rubenfeld, who missed the prize for best study group, did gain some measure of satisfaction by winning the “get the Frisbee prize,” after throwing a ball hard enough to dislodge one of our stuck Frisbees from a really high tree.  Many students, and coaches, tried and failed in said attempt. 

Since there were no sports groups during week eight the soccer prize nominations increased in the soccer competition.  The most valuable player was Michael A, with Max scoring the most goals, and Ethan being the best defender.

The best in dodgeball was Mathew Lerman, who because of his small stature was a harder target to score against.

The best swag walker was Israel Moshe.

Sergey Kudrin’s “The Winners” (Greg P, Yehuda K, Josh L, Daniel C, Ryan, and Maurice), justified its namesake and won the relay race competition.

Ahead of us is the last week of Summer Day Camp 2011!

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