Smyslov/Steinitz Super Saturday October 1st Tournament Report

Smyslov/Steinitz Super Saturday October 1st Tournament Report:


Recently we had an encounter of the Kasparov (i.e. Great) Kind with the first Steinitz/Smyslov tournament of the new month and gave out the newest round of cash prizes to all our winners.  This time around four quads sprang up and determined who won over the course of three rounds.  

In section one the Grant Bill (i.e. Fifty bucks) was split into a Jackson/Lincoln award for two players as Haik Der Manuelian, and Nicholas Katz both got twenty-five bucks for tying for first place.  Sam Berrettini, and Elvis Amparo were the other participants in the group.

In section two, Josh Lerman was the sole winner avenging the previous week’s defeat he suffered at the hands of Joshua Katz who was off his game and trailed last in this section.  The other two participants in the section were Ashwin Anbu, and Daniel Zharzhavsky. 

Nicolas Civantos won in section three after a drawing Brian Song in their individual game and getting a bit lucky as Brian went for a win in a drawish position and blundered at the hands of Teoma Zhigulin. Lucas Civantos was the four participant in the section.

Finally, in section four little five-year-old Mathew Lerman (who was probably the youngest competitor in the tournament) won the big fifty dollar prize.  Mathew played against Michael Strigul, Tobi Tejada, and Bowen Huang. 

Though some people were unhappy with their results everyone enjoyed the pizza, and bagels courtesy of the ICA that are provided for all tournament goers.

We are closed on the 8th but we will have a brand new tournament on the fifteenth of this month.  

Visitors: 126