ICA Summer Camp 2012!

ICA Summer Camp 2012!

We’ve done it for over a decade and this year we are ready to begin doing it for another one.  Year after year, we have interspersed chess instruction with fun outdoor activities to provide a well-balanced alternative called “chess camp,” to most any other summer activity.  Not to mention our camp easily outperforms  leaving your child alone at home with an X-Box, or Playstation.  With years of experience, and years of repeat students attending, it seems that each year gets better and better because everyone, campers, and counselors, know what to expect, and anticipate, and furthermore can also let rookies get in on the drill.   

Once again, leading the charge will be head-counselor, and international chess master, Sergey Grabuzov, and his wife women’s grandmaster, Tatiana.  Joining them will be a slew of different former, and in some cases, current students, of the school, who will comprise the summer camp faculty. Thereby not only will kids get better at chess as they attend but they will also have the opportunity , if they stick with it, for a summer job as counselors years from now.

Our normal school day will begin with a half an hour of exercise, followed by an hour and a half of chess instruction.  Afterwards we go outside for sports competitions and other outside events until twelve-thirty when we head in for lunch.  After lunch the kids compete against each other in tournaments, and if they finish early have an opportunity to go outside once more till the end of the day when they are picked up. 

If parents opt for the full day program, from three to five, kids will have an opportunity for studying music, art, or if they so desire more chess. 

On Friday at the end of each week, we hold an award ceremony recognizing the best accomplishments in the chess tournaments, sports competitions, and of course class work. 

Call our # (201) 833-1741 for more information, any information, and also to receive a friendlier and more aggressive sales pitch. You can also visit our website at www.icanj.net at and judge for yourselves.







                                                The staff of the ICA

Visitors: 123