2012 ICA Summer Chess Camp Week Four Teaneck Report

2012 ICA Summer Chess Camp Week Four Teaneck Report




Week four saw the tournament split into three skill sections.  In section one the “big Nick” Nicholas Cardenas won first place, while in section two James Belov was the winner.  Section three included fourteen participants and in the end Charli Coward got third place, with Lloyd second, and Lily first.

The best students in each group were: Idan in Frank’s group, Michael Yin in Slava’s group, Charli in Ilya’s group, Dennis in Arjun’s group, Daniel in David’s group, Lily in Izmail’s group, and Austin in Ivette’s group.

Soomin was the winner for notation with her perfect penmanship of all the games.

The sports groups saw Aiden win for the 06 group, Jaiden for the 05 group, Lloyd for the 04 group, Alex Belov, and Daniel Klevak for the 2003 group, Pavlik for the 2002 group, and Nick Cardenas for the 2001 group. 

The best dodgeball player was Alex Belov.

While Idan kept his streak as undefeated team captain alive as he led “Team Narf (Captain: Idan, teammates Lily, Ben, Pavlik, and Aiden) to the weekly Friday Blitz/Bughouse championship.

Finally, as per tradition this year we held a unique competition in the discipline of storytelling and Daniel Klevak won for his use of sound effects (shrill yells to illustrate the phrase “a scream was heard…”) and irreverence (the murderer was a block of cheese or something).

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