Adult Classes Now Being Offered

Adult Classes Now Being Offered

Dear parents,


Throughout the years we have always had a steady flow of slightly embarrassed parents asking if we offered adult classes.  From what we understood there were plenty of moms and dads who didn’t know chess but wanted to learn (or in many cases vastly improve their rudimentary skill) in order to better communicate and spend time with their children. 

We experimented with this idea once perhaps ten years ago but it quickly fell apart because the class was only offered on a weekday when the four moms that attended were probably tired and just finished with work.

This time we are planning to offer the class on the weekends either on Sunday at 2 pm at our Teaneck location, or perhaps even on Saturday at 1 pm at our Fair Lawn location.

If you are at all embarrassed please remember you are your child’s most important coach, or teacher in any sport, or activity in life that they enjoy and take as seriously as their age allows them.  Preparing yourself to be a better player can only help your children.

Plus you can finally kick their butt when you sit down for a friendly game.

If you are interested please get in touch with Diana at

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