2013 Dr David Ostfeld Memorial ICA FALL 2013 Championships

2013 Dr David Ostfeld Memorial ICA FALL 2013 Championships: Results Show Kids Had Fun!


It was the first tournament of the year and as always the kids enjoyed themselves immensely though perhaps for next time we may want to ask a parent or two to actually monitor the door since a few kids mistook it for a toy and played with it incessantly.

Section 1

In section one little Andrew Salnikov answered his dad’s question of whether he can checkmate by winning every one of his four games to take first place all by himself.  In the last round he defeated Isak Dubrow by a typical linear mate even though a move earlier Isak continued with an illegal move and could have played stalemate.  Both players ignored the previous position and continued the game that ended in Salnikov’s victory. 

Isak wasn’t too upset since he scored three points and tied for second place with Alex Goldfarb, Sachit Tumuluri (this was Sachit’s first tournament) and Jack Mclaughlin.

Fifteen kids competed in section one.

Section 2

Another Andrew won section two as Andrew Sung scored all four points to claim the first place trophy.  The day prior Andrew played in our Saturday quads in Fair Lawn and though he didn’t do too well the practice against higher rated opponents helped him to accomplish victory in this competition.

Alexander Seo, Lilly Goldfarb, and Kenneth Telebrico scored three points and all tied for second place.

Nineteen kids competed in section two.

Section 3

Mathew Teytel defeated Mathew Ren in the final round to win his fourth game and the first place trophy.  Michael Druker, and Dennis Li drew each other in their round three game and tied for second place with three and a half points each.

Thirty-three kids competed in section three.

Section 4

The winners here were Aron Dyadyuk, and  Eli Gedzelman.  Both scored four points though Eli only played three games in the section receiving a full point bye for his first round game.

Mathew Lerman, and Sophie Rasol both got three points and tied for third with Mathew’s sole loss coming to Eli in the final round.

Sixteen kids competed in section four.

Section 5

Section five was won by Yuvanshu Agarwal who scored all four possible points.  Mark Gotesman, Avi Slavin, Emre Alptuna, Athira Arayath, and Alessandro Demarchi-Blumstein all scored three points and tied for second place.

Nineteen kids competed in section five.

Please wait for the family results and remember to check out our Saturday Quads in Fair Lawn, or our Sunday Blitz tournaments in Teaneck.

Ratings for all sections are updated by USCF:


Visitors: 134