Early Winter ICA Family Results: Xu, Riener, Shusterman...

Early Winter ICA Family Results: Xu, Riener, Shusterman, 
and Katz Families Top With Combined Scores!


Ryan and Ethan Xu were the top winners with a combined score of seven points. Ethan Cleared the field in section four securing first place while Ryan finished with two wins and two draws for three points and a combined family total result of seven.  The result grants both brothers free entry into the next ICA Dr Ostfeld tournament scheduled for February 2nd as well as free entry into one ICA Saturday Quad competition. 

Sunjay and Neil Reiner took second with a combined six-and-a-half points.  Sunjay took first place with four points in section three, while Neil added two-and-a-half to the total in section one.  Both will have free entry to our next Ostfeld tournament.

The Shustermans, Ari in the open section, and Zachary in section four, and the Katz family (Talia, and Ilan not Alex, Nicholas, and Joshua) both scored six points thereby having both families tie for third place.  Each member will receive free entry into the next Ostfeld tournament on February second.

Twenty five families had two or more individuals participate during the last Dr Ostfeld competition.

See everyone on February 2nd.

Visitors: 77