03/27/2014 Fishbein, Alexander Lecture

Chicago Open 26.05.2013

This lesson will be about how to defend bad (or even losing) positions. We will also talk about how psychology can lead directly to mistakes. In difficult positions, psychology can be your best resource, and during the presentation I will discuss some intangibles you can use to turn the game from a loss to a win. Continue...

World Open 06.07.2013

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.f3 0-0 6.Be3 c5 7.Nge2 Nc6 8.d5
Ne5 9.Ng3 e6 10.Be2 exd5 11.cxd5 h5 12.0-0 Nh7 13.Qd2 h4 14.Nh1 f5
15.Nf2 Re8 16.Rfe1 a6 17.a4 Bd7 18.a5 Rc8 19.Na4 Bb5? 

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