2014 Week 1 Teaneck

There were a lot of kids at our Teaneck location and we did have tons of fun.  The coaches for the week Genry, Zoya, Ivette, Gregory, Izmail  and Orren. The children were provided with plenty of challenging chess instruction and lots of new activities. In the chess tournament the kids were split into three sections and the winners were Anton Badushov in section three, Lloyd Akai-Dennis in section two, and Idan Glickman in section one. 

The winners for best student in each group were Joseph Moche in Zoya’s group, Ethan Modi in Izmail’s group,  Avi Kalina and Anton Badushov in Genry’s and Orren’s  group, Gregory Michaels in Ivette’s group and Idan Glickman in Gregory’s group.

Jacob Landa (1st), Ethan Modi (2nd ) and Matthew Postoyanets (3rd ) were the winners in the chess problem solving competition and got the finest problem-solving chess books we could find.

In the Blitz-Bug House competition the winners were Chad Yang and Isak Dubrow.  The relay races team lead by a captain Gabriele Grant (members: Steisy Garsia, Talia Katz, Lloyd Akai-Dennis and Zachary Khron) ended the race in total victory.

The winners for sports groups were Idan in the oldest group, Chad and Lloyd  in the 2 middle groups, and Matthew, Avi and Suhani in the 3 youngest groups. Both the Dodge ball competition and the Blitz tournament were won by Idan Glickman. The Simul Survival Competition was won by Daniel Marbe.

There were 2 new activities brought to camp by substitute camp director/chess/math instructor, Zoya. The first was the math problem solving competition which was won by: Chad Yang in the older group and Ethan Modi in the younger group. The second activity was a morning circle. The focus of this activity was on helping campers to achieve some level of comfort and trust with each other and their coaches. The most enthusiastic participants in this activity as well as in all other activities were: Isaiah Grant and Ezra Landa. Since we had so many older kids willing to help the coaches we also gave 2 Helping Hand Awards to Brian Hong and Steisy Garsia.

The winner in Art was Chad Yang. 


Visitors: 172