2014 Week 4 In Fair Lawn

Fair Lawn Week 4

 The heavy rains during the first half of Week 4 prevented the full implementation of all-round sports, however, during the second half of the week, Day Camp students focused on dodge ball, soccer and ... chess.

Michael Y increased the strength of Section 1, Sophie was the only one who was able to compete with him. At the end after they drew the game, they shared the first place in this section. 

Mikhail, our guest from overseas, adapted quickly to the new climate and won Section 2, Michael D won 2nd place.

Five rounds played in the Section 3, did not reveal a sole winner: Jane, Gavin and Philip outplayed each other (and all other participants) and crossed the finish line together.

By the way they study chess and the way they play the game: It is not surprising that the above mentioned winners of tournaments also distinguished themselves in Best in Chess Group competitions. Michael y and Sophie won in Tanya’s Group, Gavin in Igor’s group and Philip in Genry’s group. Unfortunately, the exception to this rule was Jessica, who is very serious and passionate about chess, but got a bit unlucky in the tournament, and then she got sick and missed the final days of the week, thus unable to finish her tournament games. Nevertheless, Jessica won the Home Work Competition, as well as shared (with Michael D.) 1st place in the Problem Solving Competition. Generally, the successful performance in this type of program of our Day Camp must not only show a high level of chess skills, but also show the commitment and the desire to win. Michael D., Jessica, and Philip (who won the section U600) were able to demonstrate all of these qualities.

Survival in a Simul Competition:  experienced  Sophie (open) and Ilya (U600) won this event.

Matt received the prize of Best Chess Notation

Team Gumballs (Daniel N, Matt, Aaron and Alex) won the last chess event of this week: Team Blitz & BugHouse championship, making a great birthday gift for its captain Daniel N.  We had one more Birthday Boy this week – Denis. We had a super fun party for him on Thursday (cheerful, sunny balloons still decorate the interior of the camp). By the way, Denis also led the winning team - Fred\'s Monkeys, which excelled in the Relay Race competition. Together with Denis, Philip, Michael D., Alex, Jane and coach Genry also celebrated the victory. In general, the novice of Fair Lawn Day Camp, Denis kept himself as a good fellow and conquered one more prize - Best Effort.

As already mentioned, rainy weather did not allow us to conduct our regular contests: Best in Sports by Age Groups. But every cloud has a silver lining, and as a result of redistribution of prizes, participants in Dodgeball and Soccer have received additional awards. So, we did not bother to arrange tie-break, and winners in the nomination Dodgeball (boys) became at once three participants: Michael Y., Daniel L. and Gavin. The best among girls became Jane. The best Soccer Players: Alex and Philip (boys) and Sophie (girls). In spite of just finished Soccer World Cup, this event is not popular among girls in our camp: this time for victory, turned out to be enough only for one day to switch from Dodgeball to Soccer. Taking into account such - enough formal - approach, we found fair to diminish volume of prize ball in the nomination Girls evenly three times. Indeed exactly in such correlation (3 days to one) it is possible to measure efforts, enclosed by the winners (boys / girls) to this remarkable play.

Suran confirmed her reputation as an attentive, responsible and patient girl, winning once again in the struggle for the Swag Walker Prize.

Michael Y won the Healthy Lunch award.

As usual, students who remained in the camp for the Full Day enjoyed their time and learned a lot. In Musical engagement, the children prepared to perform on Friday\'s Closing Ceremony with our traditional song, and in Art Class, the children built remarkable miniature aircrafts. And although it’s very hard to define a winner in art, unlike in sports (and chess, as it is known, combine wonderfully both the first, and second), our experienced Art and Music teachers managed to reveal the strongest of the group. Daniel N received the Music Award, Jason won Music contest.


Visitors: 84