2014 Week 6 Teaneck

Week Six Teaneck: The Teaneck “Person of the Week


A unique aspect of week six was the implementation of a secret ballot voting system that would help us determine which camper other campers felt would be the “person of the week.”  On Thursday during out morning circle activity we asked each person to name at least one characteristic they felt best described the potential “Person.” The coaches then picked the best handful of characteristics and on Friday during circle activities asked all campers to write down on a paper which camper best exhibited these characteristics throughout the week.

The winner was our friend from Moscow little Denis Verzunov who despite his limited English skills impressed his fellow campers to such a degree that they voted him the inaugural winner of said event. Honorable mention goes to Kovi, and Zachary for getting the most votes after Denis.

Other important camp news suggests Ama Bonsu cannot stop laughing at Slava’s jokes even when he doesn’t make any and is just standing there (i.e. he can’t even look at Ama without her laughing), while Charlie Coward went to a hairstylist and sat for four hours to get her hair braided and in the end none of the female coaches (Zoya, Melonie, or Ivette) even noticed! Shame on all of them!

See the results for all of our various competitions and see everyone in week seven.

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