2014 Week 7 Teaneck

Week 7 Teaneck: What Makes Your Mom The Best?


Aside from the usual dodgeball, chess, math, and lunch the new aspect of our camp this year is the morning circle activity.  The question campers were faced with this week was “What makes your mom the best?”

The answers were varied but quite interesting:

·         “Mom makes all the best food.”

·          “Mom buys me everything I want.”

·         “My mom fills me with love and caring.”

·         “Mom cooks my favorite stuff.”

However, three answers stood out to a few of our various coaches and they were:

·         Izmail’s “Mom is the best because she’s my mom.”

·         Slava’s “Mom is the best because she yells at me.”

·         Zoya’s “Mom is the best because she signed me up for this camp.”


Also of note was Idan Glickman’s seventh straight classical tournament first place finish.  While we don’t know what the record is Idan will go for his eighth consecutive victory starting on August 11. 

Check out the pictures and the results and where applicable see you in week eight.


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