Artur Yusupov’s “Interactive” Lecture On Mikhail Tal And Blitz Tournament Result

Artur Yusupov’s “Interactive” Lecture On Mikhail Tal And Blitz Tournament Result

Artur Yusupov’s “Interactive” Lecture on Mikhail Tal 
And Blitz Tournament results! 
Next Lecture on 3 Time World Champion M. Botvinnik December 20


We were happy to welcome an eager audience to our ICA Fair Lawn location to participate in what we hope will be the first in a series of lectures by legendary chess player and ICA coach GM Artur Yusupov.  GM Yusupov, who joined us via Skype from Germany, provided numerous wonderful examples of classic Tal attacking play against such strong players as Keres, Bannik, and Khasin, as well as fellow world champion Vasily Smyslov. 

Each example was pretended as a study with members of the audience offering solutions, variations, and in some cases even “objections.”

GM Yusupov also followed up by illustrating a few examples from his own games and how despite having a considerably different style than Tal, who was as with many players GM Yusupov’s childhood hero, that style influenced Artur’s style of play on a few occasions.

GM Yusupov also shared a few anecdotes of his interactions with the legendary Mikhail Tal, as well as some post game analysis of his games with the eighth world champion.

The lecture was followed by the as advertised blitz tournament which consisted of six players and was won by ICA dad Dmitry Volkov, who handily won all his games except for one draw against Aaron Shlionsky (Dmitry played on not seeing Aaron had run out of time and thereby reached a stalemate position which Aaron happily announced despite the flag).


Please join us on December 20th for the next lecture in the series which will deal with Mikhail Tal’s old nemesis, and the three time world champion, Mikhail Botvinnik.





Visitors: 123