Absolutely Nobody Deserves 1600! April 29, 2023, Glen Rock Quads Report

Absolutely Nobody Deserves 1600! April 29, 2023, Glen Rock Quads Report

Today, we had 60 competitors participate in the Glen Rock Quads. In addition, 23 girls came to participate in the 2nd Annual JL All-Girls Chess Tournament (report coming soon)!

As shown in the photo above, it has become clear that many of our higher rated players were not focused on the chess: rather, they were more interested as to what exactly TD Goktug Bas was doing on his phone. It is important to realize, however, that it is important to think on both your and your opponent’s turn! If players are not focused now, how will they cope with classical chess in the future?

Although Leon Shevelenko, one of the players pictured above, was able to win Section 3 with 2.5/3 points! His highlight came when he sacrificed his knight to push his pawn and create a discovered attack. Not only did he win material as a result, but his position was much better than his opponent’s leading him to victory.

In addition, Andrew Cerami, (not pictured above) was able to win Section 1 with 2.5/3 points!

In addition to providing his first match, Andrew provided an embedded analysis including inaccuracies and blunders from both players. In the end, Andrew played a perfect game, with the engine giving him 97% accuracy!

Last week, I made fun of Kahan Shah in the report despite him winning 3/3 matches due to the amount of mistakes made in the match. So, in classic fashion, Kahan got a perfect score again (in a very good Section 8)! Although I do not have a match to display from Kahan this time around, I was told that Kahan was down three pawns in his second match before winning a knight. However, he then blundered a passed pawn! But, just like last week, Kahan was able to stay resilient and win in the endgame: this time, by maintaining the opposition, Kahan limited the opponent’s moves, and eventually won the game!

In addition, I would like to congratulate Frankie McGrath, Rishi Hardikar, Sean Vandalovsky, and Lukas Solokov for winning all three games in their respective sections! Although winning in general is important, dominating the section is what will enable players to progress to higher sections!

Congratulations to all winners: click HERE to view rating reports!

Our next Quads will be held next Saturday, May 6. Click HERE to register!

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Visitors: 492